Sunday 25 September 2011

My first zebra ever

What a thrill it was to go on my first game drive and witness a herd of zebra grazing in the long grasses of the Limpopo savannah.

Just 10 minutes out of Polokwane, where we are staying, there is one of the largest municipal-owned game reserve in South Africa.  It is home to around 21 species of animals and one of the remaining examples of the local vegetation -- called false grassland.

Last Saturday the team of 14 of us had a 2 hour drive in an open vehicle. 

We began at 4pm and wound our way through the many trails for game viewing.  

The reserve is also a place that the locals come to exercise and we passed a guy on his trail bike going on his afternoon ride. 

We saw the transformation of the landscape as the sun set in the distance and the animals grazed for their dinner. 

After the game drive we all went to a picnic site in the bush and sat down to a feast of South African food in the wilderness.  

After dinner we sat around a camp fire and recalled all the wonderful sights and sounds of the day. 

The park is also home to the white rhino.  We weren't fortunate enough to see them this trip, but my colleagues who returned on horse back a week later were lucky enough to see them very close by!  

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